KOMMA #27 - spoken word/performance
comment on 'In The Garden Of Doubt And Panic'
28.05 2023


Maja Irene Bolier (1988) is an Australian/Dutch artist, filmmaker, and writer currently based in the Netherlands. Maja Irene works with various mediums, she makes erotic collages, installations, documentary-like films, and performances in self-made costumes. Although the various practices sometimes seem disconnected from each other the red line throughout her work is identity, and the layers of it. There is always a certain fragmentation of image, a reflection of a life in an in-between state. The feeling of being there, and not there, at the same time, meet the longing of not being.
Maja's work is an exploration of diaspora, identity and, distorted sensuality crushed under the weight of half- forgotten childhood memories. It tells the story of a human form everchanging and attempting to fit into new environments.
Maja Irene's work is born of poetry, though the act of writing she is led to image and idea. She tells the stories of becoming, of turning into... Without hesitation, Maja shares her words. She shares her desires and losses, rebirths and dark fantasies.

Maja Irene reacts to the exhibition 'In The Garden Of Doubt And Panic' by Sylvie Zijlmans & Hewald Jongenelis. The performance is on Sunday, May 28 at 3.30 pm.