On Thursday 3 June there will be a PARK evening with Ricardo van Eyk and Frank Koolen, in the middle of Van Eyk's solo exhibition 'Civil', which is currently on view at PARK.
If you look at the Instagram account of visual artists Frank Koolen and Ricardo van Eyk, you will notice that they are almost interchangeable. No attention for the ego but zooming in on the apparently everyday. So what makes these 'snapshots' special? What do these artists see that we don't? Are these photos perhaps the key to their visual work? Van Eyk and Koolen will discuss this.
The number of places to attend this meeting is very limited. Therefore reservation is required. Sign up by sending a mail to park@park013.nl
- It is mandatory to wear a mouth cap when visiting PARK.
- Keep 1,5 meters away from each other.
- In the case of a household, more than one person is allowed.
- Do you have complaints such as sneezing, cough, fever or cold or does a inmate have one or more of these complaints? Then stay home.
PARK open 7.30 pm
start at 8 pm sharp
talk 8 - 9.15 pm
admission € 5 (including coffee and tea upon arrival)