tentoonstelling Ruben Bellinkx
23.11 2-24 - 05.01 2025


In the exhibition Op een haar na (On a hair's breadth) at PARK, Ruben Bellinkx (1975) explores a new relationship between his two-dimensional work and moving image. His drawings were previously often used as preliminary studies for films and installations, but now he is showing a series of autonomous drawings and experimenting with graphic techniques and editions.

In addition, his films Double Bind and Black Sun, in which he explores the tension between control and surrender, will be shown in the Netherlands for the first time. In his work, Bellinkx creates situations that sometimes feel strange, playing with expectations and the interaction between the everyday and the unusual.

Bellinkx strives for a scenography in which his drawings, graphic works and films visually dialogue with each other, so that the visitor can fully immerse himself in his extraordinary, surrealistic world. The theme of power plays an important layered role in this. He examines how both architectural and psychological structures influence the individual.

The opening will take place on Saturday 23 November at 4 pm. You are cordially invited.