performative reading Mila Lanfermeijer
16.03 2024


On March 16, PARK will host a performative reading of the new book 'Canonically Speaking' by Mila Lanfermeijer. During this 50 min performance Jamie Kane, Ana Navas, Lily Lanfermeijer and Mila Lanfermeijer will recite some pieces from the book while short audio and video fragments will weave the afternoon together.

'Canonically Speaking' published by Kunstverein Amsterdam and illustrated by Micha Patiniott, brings together a cast of characters that contemplate forms of entry and exit. An egg considers to be boiled and sliced in order to fit in at its square heavy workplace, a pair of eyes face painterly dilemmas at the optometrist and an artistically inclined crocodile struggles with feminist regrets. Throughout the book manual protocols and partial instructions about washing, boiling eggs, rolling cigarettes and folding clothes become material manifestations of forms of change and transformation. 

Central to the book is the idea that female life is an inherently surrealist experience and to embrace the absurd as a means to speak out on themes such as self-image, spirituality, mental health and work. 

Saturday March 16
Start: 3.30pm, duration approx. 50 minutes
Voluntary contribution of € 5
The performative lecture takes place during regular opening hours, PARK is open that day from 1pm to 5pm.